Rare cards in Coin Master are cards that are harder to get than other cards. You will notice this when you try to complete your card collection. Every set has it's easy to get cards, and also some rare cards. Those cards are not by definition the gold cards. Even in gold cards some are more easy to get than others. In this post I tell you which cards are the most rare cards in Coin Master What is a rare card A rare card is a card that is not gold and appears not too often in chests. This is a problem because you need to get them to complete your card set and get your rewards. Especially the extra spins you need to get to the next village or event. But also rarity is relative. Even within rare cards there is a difference. The rare cards value determines the best tactic to get the card. How do I get rare cards There are 3 ways to get your rare cards. Buy chests to get rare cards. Trade rare cards with other players Win a Joker card If you buy chests chances are ...
Best CM Strategies
Best Coin Master Strategies helps you get the most out of the amazing Coin Master game. Free Spins, Free Coins and tips and tricks to get you going and finish your next village. Did you get all your rare cards?